Friday, September 22, 2006

My Rating System

In a sense, it seems kind of pointless for me to rate the albums I review at all. This is an MP3 blog, after all, so I will most likely just be writing about stuff that I like. But I certainly do like some things more than others, and I would like to alert you to the subtleties between different shades of awesome. It seems that everyone uses some kind of numbered rating system, whether it be stars or points. So, in an act of pointless and awkward originality, I have developed the following verbal rating system:

1. Sucks
2. Pretty Lame
3. Okay, I Guess
4. Alright
5. Good
6. Pretty Sweet
7. Sweet
8. Excellent
9. Fantastic
10. Awesome!

We'll see how it works out.

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